Photo of Laura W. Fidelie
Moving Families Forward

Compassionate Representation In Child Custody And Conservatorship Cases

Making a determination about which parent will make decisions for the children and with whom the children will live are typical aspects of a divorce case. Many states call this child custody and visitation. Though these terms are widely used in Texas, the legal term is “conservatorship.”

When children are involved in your divorce, it is important to have a lawyer on your side who understands the legal aspects of the case and who will prioritize the best interests of the children. At Law Office of Laura W. Fidelie, PLLC in Wichita Falls, I am dedicated to helping my clients and their children move forward. With more than a decade of experience handling family law cases, I have the skill and knowledge needed to reach a resolution in your custody case.

Types Of Custody And Conservatorships

There are two types of custody that need to be addressed in the course of a divorce:

  • Managing conservatorship: This type of conservatorship gives one or both parents the right to make major decisions for the children, either independently or jointly with the other parent.
  • Possessory conservatorship: This type of conservatorship gives parents more limited rights than those of a managing conservator, and gives that parent possession rights to the children at certain times that are appropriate for that particular case.

Either of these arrangements can be sole, with only one parent having the decision-making ability, and the children living with only that parent, or they can be joint, with parents sharing the decision-making, and the children living with both parents on a schedule. There are many different variations of these two types of conservatorship that depend on the circumstances of your case. Our office can help guide you in determining what is the best arrangement for you and your children.

Talk To Me About Your Child Custody Case

I understand how difficult it can be to face having to share your child with their other parent. However, by cooperating whenever possible and keeping the best interests of the children in mind, we can work to reach a resolution that helps everyone confidently move forward.

To schedule a consultation and discuss your specific situation with me, call my office today at 940-557-5334 or contact me online.


Practice Areas

  • Family Law
    • Adoption
    • Other Family Law Matters
  • Divorce
    • Contested & Uncontested Divorce
    • Child Custody & Visitation
    • Child Support